Bob LaFrenz. Two words that are synonymous with so many words. He is gruff, he is a little rough around the edges until you get to know him. He might be a little upset with us when I give away his true identity, but we are willing to take that chance so that you all can see the man that …
Core Value Spotlight: Focus on Unity and Humility
Of all the employees that has ever worked for Walther Farms, both past and present, there is no one as humble as Karl Ritchie. Karl is the ‘brains’ behind the potatoes. He is sometimes called the ‘Potato Doctor’ or even ‘Mad Scientist’ as he concocts his magic to get the maximum yield in each and every field of Walther Farms …
Core Value Spotlight: Sacrifice and Serve
Rob Ketola exemplifies the Walther Farm’s Value “Sacrifice and Serve” to the letter. Rob works for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan’s Seed Farm; the life blood of our Farms. His loyalty and dedication is apparent by the long hours he puts in as Field Manager. His attention to detail during the hot summers while irrigating and chemigating is a big …
Core Value Spotlight – December 2015
Core Value Spotlight – December 2015 Excel in Communication & Willingness and Desire to Sacrifice and Serve Chase Johnson is a great example of Excelling in communication and Will-ingness and desire to sacrifice & serve. He is such an asset to the GA farm and the SE. He goes out of his way to make sure that the invoices are …
Core Value Spotlight – November 2015
Core Value Spotlight – November 2015 Positive Attitude and Passion for Life and Work If you ever get a chance to meet Scottie Pinkster, be ready! He’s contagious. Scottie has a fever. It’s called Core Value Fever or CVF for short. You will get CVF the moment you meet. You might get a hug too, but that’s not what spreads …
Core Value Spotlight: September 2015
Core Value Spotlight – September 2015 Willingness and Desire to Sacrifice and Serve Tucked away in Three Rivers Load out is Gerardo Munoz, who has been silently living Walther Farms core values going on six years. Gerardo Munoz is an outstanding individual, but where he shines and excels is in the core value: Willingness and Desire to Sacrifice and Serve. …
Core Value Spotlight – August 2015
Core Value Spotlight – August 2015 Focus on Unity and Humility Scott Vatter never blinked an eye when he was asked to fill in as interim shop manager in Mid MI. Scott has always been one to step in to fill a void and never asks for anything. Scott has helped coach H2A and part time workers to help in …
Core Value Spotlight – July 2015
Core Value Spotlight – July 2015 Sacrifice and Serve Andy Gaines lives and breathes Walther farms core values but the one that really stands out is to sacrifice and serve. He puts in long hours day after day week after week while struggling to find time to spend with his family. Andy is a huge asset to Walther Farms and …
Core Value Spotlight: June 2015
Core Value Spotlight – June 2015 Discipline and Accountability We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. Aristotle At the bottom of every email Amy sends is this Aristotle quote and this quote perfectly describes Discipline. Fundamental to Discipline is having high standards and being Accountable to those standards on a daily basis. …
Core Value Spotlight: May 2015
Core Value Spotlight – May 2015 Willingness and Desire to Sacrifice and Serve Some leaders lead through command, others lead through fear, some leaders delegate, some are great motivators, and some leaders really don’t lead at all. Kevin Storm leads by example. He is a servant leader. He puts his team, his farm, and his family ahead of his own …