WF Pride: Excel in Communication

WF Pride Excel in Communication Chad Cottingham I came across a very good article on communication by Dr. Mike Moore titled: Communication 101. It focuses on good communication in marriage, but the same principals can and should be used in all of our relationships. Enjoy! Good communication is the key to happiness. If you find that you’re having challenges and roadblocks …

WF Pride: Discipline and Accountability

WF Pride Discipline and Accountability Chad Cottingham In the last few years, there have been a number of embezzlement cases in our little community, as well as around the country. What has happened? Why has there been such a lack of responsibility with those entrusted with being accountable for those funds? The business dictionary defines accountability as: ‘The obligation of an …

WF Pride: Integrity

WF Pride Integrity Chad Cottingham “I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” – a mantra recited dozens of times a week in TV shows and movies. It’s so familiar that its significance can be overlooked. But, when sworn in a court or other official proceeding, it makes everything said afterward either the truth or …

WF Pride: Excel in Communication

WF Pride Excel in Communication Chad Cottingham One of my favorite commercials took place about eight years ago. A German Coast Guard trainee sits behind a display of computers, gadgets and a big communications radio. I assume it’s his first day alone behind the control panel. A distress call from German waters comes across the airwaves in English. “Mayday! Mayday! We …