WF Pride Discipline and Accountability Chad Cottingham I believe most of you would agree that people need to be held accountable for their actions and behaviors. Yet many of us do not want to be held accountable for our own actions, but rather make excuses or point fingers. I want to take a look at a story in the bible that …
WF Pride: Integrity
WF Pride Integrity Chad Cottingham Apples to Apples is a fun, family friendly game that people can play in large groups. If you haven’t played it before, here’s the object of the game. Each player gets 7 cards with random words, people, places, things, etc… a noun. Then a community green card, an adjective, is chosen from that rounds judge. Each …
Core Value Spotlight: June 2015
Core Value Spotlight – June 2015 Discipline and Accountability We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. Aristotle At the bottom of every email Amy sends is this Aristotle quote and this quote perfectly describes Discipline. Fundamental to Discipline is having high standards and being Accountable to those standards on a daily basis. …
WF Pride: Recognition and Respect of Others
WF Pride Recognition and Respect of Others Chad Cottingham When I think of a lasting impact a group of people had, I think of the ‘Greatest Generation’ – those individuals that grew up during the great depression and into World War II. The term “The Greatest Generation” originated from Tom Brokaw’s 1998 book of the same name. In the book, Brokaw …
WF Pride: Positive Attitude and Passion for Life and Work
WF Pride Positive Attitude and Passion for Life and Work Chad Cottingham Tom Brady and the New England Patriots have been the talk of the NFL, and the nation, the last few weeks for their role and involvement in deflate gate. There are so many pressing events happening around the world, but no one seems to care much about world or …
WF Pride: Focus on Unity and Humility
WF Pride Focus on Unity and Humility Michelle Mei If I ask a room full of people what they believe “humility” means, the usual answers will likely be “not boastful”, “don’t need recognition”, “let others shines” etc. These are all pretty good answers … you might be interested in knowing that accordingly to a Forbes article, we have nearly 25 million …
Core Value Spotlight: May 2015
Core Value Spotlight – May 2015 Willingness and Desire to Sacrifice and Serve Some leaders lead through command, others lead through fear, some leaders delegate, some are great motivators, and some leaders really don’t lead at all. Kevin Storm leads by example. He is a servant leader. He puts his team, his farm, and his family ahead of his own …
WF Pride: Willingness and Desire to Sacrifice and Serve
WF Pride WF Pride: Willingness and Desire to Sacrifice and Serve Chad Cottingham I don’t know about your kids, but mine are not very eager or willing when it comes to doing simple chores or work around the house. It seems like Kristen and I have to threaten taking away their phones, or just get angry and raise our voices to …
WF Pride: Excel in Communication
WF Pride Excel in Communication Chad Cottingham I came across a very good article on communication by Dr. Mike Moore titled: Communication 101. It focuses on good communication in marriage, but the same principals can and should be used in all of our relationships. Enjoy! Good communication is the key to happiness. If you find that you’re having challenges and roadblocks …
WF Pride: Discipline and Accountability
WF Pride Discipline and Accountability Chad Cottingham In the last few years, there have been a number of embezzlement cases in our little community, as well as around the country. What has happened? Why has there been such a lack of responsibility with those entrusted with being accountable for those funds? The business dictionary defines accountability as: ‘The obligation of an …