Core Value Spotlight – June 2022

Aubrey Darnell has been with the South Carolina Farm since 2019. After completing her summer internship during the summer of 2019, Aubrey became the South Carolina Shipping Supervisor fulltime. She helps coordinate and ship out all the crops that are grown in South Carolina.

During late winter and early spring, she spends long hours in the seed barn receiving potato seed and managing field trucks getting the correct varieties to the correct fields. Her organization goes a long way when it comes to keeping our seeding rates in check. She also manages shipping out our spring spinach during this time.

During the summer months, she ships out every potato load from South Carolina. She is dedicated to showing up everyday and dealing with trucking issues when they arrive. She does a great job coordinating and communicating with our team and our customers. She is always willing to do whatever it takes and is willing to go to other farms in the South East to assist when needed.

During the fall and winter, Aubrey oversees the shipping schedules and lanes with our sweet potato and spinach crop.

Due to the heat we have in the south, the majority of our loading takes place at night or early mornings for all the crops. Aubrey shows great pride in Walther Farms and is always willing to fill in where needed. Thank you very much Aubrey for all that you do!!