Core Value Spotlight – January 2022

Travis Baxter began as the Florida Farm Manager last year and has become an invaluable asset to the SE Team. His Personal Discipline & Accountability has allowed the successful launch of a new operation. Whether he was spending countless hours getting new employee housing certified or handling operational details, he has always taken the responsibility on himself to make sure things get done properly.

Travis has also led by Excelling in Communication. Through his weekly crop reports, the SE agronomy team and supporting operational members can easily get a snapshot of what is taking place in each field and provide follow-up questions if they see any cause for concern. This communication has been the key to everyone being top-right throughout this season.

Travis has embodied the “whatever it takes” mentality of Walther Farms. We appreciate everything he has done so far and wish him luck in completing his first season in Florida.

Congratulations Travis!