WF Pride: Focus on Unity and Humility

WF Pride Focus on Unity and Humility Chad Cottingham Christmas has always been one of my favorite times of the year – especially as a kid.  One of the traditions we had growing up was to open the small stocking gifts on Christmas Eve and then the regular gifts Christmas morning.  My two brothers and I would get a hodgepodge of …

WF Pride

WF Pride Megan Walther Willingness and desire to sacrifice and serve, focus on unity and humility, positive attitude and passion for life, recognition and respect of others, integrity, discipline and accountability, and excel in communication are the core values we’ve heard countless times as Walther Farms employees.  Sometimes doesn’t it seem to become almost monotonous; rolling our eyes at the next …

WF Pride: Excel in Communication

WF Pride Excel in Communication Jason Walther “Thankfulness is a soil in which pride cannot grow. Be thankful. Stay humble.” This Thanksgiving Holiday I have so much to be thankful for. I am thankful for my wife Jen and our five healthy children. Jen is an awesome mom and wife and she blesses our family everyday with her dedication, perseverance and …