WF Pride

WF Pride

Megan Walther

Willingness and desire to sacrifice and serve, focus on unity and humility, positive attitude and passion for life, recognition and respect of others, integrity, discipline and accountability, and excel in communication are the core values we’ve heard countless times as Walther Farms employees.  Sometimes doesn’t it seem to become almost monotonous; rolling our eyes at the next spiel and saying- seriously, why do we have to keep hearing these things…  Well here’s a quick story for you:

From day one, the path of my life has been guided by Walther Farms. On August 26th, 1992 in Cass City; Dad rushed from the field, making it in just a nick of time for my arrival into this world.  A few years later, my family moved to Three Rivers to start a farm from the ground up.  I grew up around the farm; watching new buildings rise, playing in the storage bins, and eventually, even the fax machine moved out of our house.  In 3rd grade, we picked up and left Three Rivers.  We left for Newberry while on spring break and to my surprise it was not spring break.  I see the bedroom my mother carefully crafted for me.  The room that was once part of Uncle Brian’s house. And that is where roots were lain.  We grew up riding in the back of Dad’s truck, going under the pivots during those hot 72 degree days, and sleepily riding along to check the storage bins.  I spent a lot of time riding in the tractor but after harvest was done, I was always relieved I could see my dad and spend some precious time hunting for our big buck.  To this day, I wish they made a potato scented candle– a true potato farmer’s daughter! I could go on and on but the point is- my entire life, I watched these core values be shaped.  And unknowingly, these core values have shaped me.

Through the years, I have come to understand the reason behind why these values were created.  From my story above, doesn’t it seem like I’m just talking about sacrifice?  What we forget to mention is the appreciation I have for the time I did spend with Dad; the respect for the generations before me that have so much passion for this business and way of life; the honesty when they admit fault and were not the best of the best, but when the day’s all done they silently stumble away with their clothes covered in dirt and a little more wear on their boots than the day before.  I admire the work that has and still goes into this business. It’s so easy to focus on one small piece of the puzzle, but without all pieces you won’t see the whole picture- right? So I ask of all of you to remember when you hear those words, to really hear them; let those words guide your actions and your lives; and most importantly, remember the actions of those before us who have shaped all of our core values.

The bible’s message guides our lives in the same way.  If we want to walk the path of Christ, we must not forget the Lord’s will as written.  Christ before us modeled the will of the Lord and has shown us all the true meaning of sacrifice, humility, passion, etc.  We must act Christ-like in all aspects in order to be righteous and welcomed into the kingdom of God.

Joshua 1:8: Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

1 Corinthians 12:4-6: There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.  There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  There are different kinds of workings but the same God works all of them in all men.

Lord help us hear your words to guide our lives and to live righteously in the name of Christ. Let our hearts be filled with light and allow our actions to reflect your will.  We thank you for your son, Jesus Christ, whose measures exceed any earthly love.  Lord, let us be gentle with ourselves and open our hearts to your word. Let us remember the importance of all of Christ’s actions.  In Jesus name we pray, Amen.”