WF Pride
Positive attitude and passion for life and work
Chad Cottingham
There is an elderly lady at our church that is the most positive, upbeat, and encouraging person I’ve ever met. It doesn’t matter what the weather is outside, how her health is, or even if her family is going through a rough patch. She is always positive and uplifting. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard a bad word or complaint come out of her mouth. It’s always, “God is so good!” and “I’ve been praying for your children”. It’s always a pleasure to see her and get that weekly hug. Now don’t think things have been perfect for her, they haven’t. She has as many or more problems than the next person. She just chooses to be filled with joy and uses it to motivate and inspire others.
Have you ever known someone that is positive and upbeat all the time? I don’t know how they do it. I consider myself to be a positive person. But all the time? Not at all. Like most people, I can get critical, cynical, and complain. I don’t like it when I do. So how do we stay positive and passionate when life is hard and challenges come our way? I know one thing, we cannot do it alone. I am reminded of what the bible says when we face troubles and trials in our lives:
James 1:2-4 – Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.
James doesn’t say if trouble comes your way, but whenever it does. He assumes that we will have troubles and that it is possible to grow and learn from them. The point is not to pretend to be happy when we face pain but to have a positive outlook – let it be an opportunity for joy because of what troubles can produce in our lives. It can teach us perseverance and ultimately build our character into who God wants us to be. Instead of complaining about our struggles, we should see them as opportunities for growth. If we allow God to grow us, He can and will use us to help others going through similar hardships and challenges ~ excerpts taken from Life Application Study Bible.
“Dear Lord, help us to have a positive outlook even when troubles come our way. Help us to be patient and have the strength to endure. Use us to help others and to be a passionate uplifting person with a character that resembles You. It’s in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.”