As an Agribusiness major at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, I have always strived to learn more about today’s agriculture. Throughout my internship at Walther Farms, I have been able to capture the most important aspects of what it takes to operate a business and a large, sophisticated farm. I learned what it takes to be successful in one of the world’s biggest markets, that being potatoes. Having no prior experience to row crops or farms in general, I can honestly say that even just a couple months of interning here I am now able to use what I’ve learned to benefit myself and the future of agriculture. I would like to personally thank every member of the Georgia farm and Indiana farm for guiding me in the right direction and providing a safe learning atmosphere. I have learned different aspects such as logistics, agronomy, mechanics, business plans, farming, data management, and much more. Potato farming happens to be the most complex row crop compared to any other. I mention this because there are so many learning opportunities available here at Walther Farms. If you are interested in the basics of operating a business properly and creating a plan for the planting and harvest season through Excel and other tools, Walther Farms is the place to come. Learning at least one thing new each day has prepared me for the future. Major projects include trial plots testing new varieties of potatoes, creating understandable charts through Excel, conducting yield digs that predict the future of business and crop quality, and the assembly of major equipment. As a former intern at Walther Farms, I would recommend this internship to anyone that has any interest in the activities mentioned above. Another thing to mention is the beneficial, family-oriented atmosphere. Although we are employees, the managers and owners truly care about their employees to an extent like no other. This has made interning here such a blessing in which any and all questions I had in the process were answered and explained. Thank you, Walther Farms, for the amazing opportunity. I am successfully ready to tackle the business world!