WF Pride – August 11, 2014 – Integrity

WF Pride – August 11, 2014

Core Value: Integrity

Chad Cottingham


I’m a big movie buff.  I love a good action movie or a comedy.  I can remember when my wife, Kristen, and I were going on a date to see the 1997 movie ‘Liar-Liar’ starring Jim Carrey.  The movie is about a fast track lawyer who can’t lie for 24 hours due to his son’s birthday wish.  It was hilarious – a lawyer that couldn’t lie – up until the point when his son asks him about his mom and her appearance when she was pregnant.  Jim Carrey’s character tried very hard to not respond to the question, but could not stop himself from answering.  Out of his mouth came the words, “She looks like a fat cow!”  The movie theatre erupted with laughter – all except for my wife, who was 8 &1/2 months pregnant.  She burst into giant, chest shaking tears.  “I knew you lied to me! I’m not glowing, I’m fat and ugly!”   Our date, and the movie, as far as I knew it, was over.  Nothing I could say or do at that point could undo what the movie had said.

People joke and laugh about stuff like this all the time… a lawyer telling the truth, a car salesman being honest, politicians – I won’t even go there, a little ‘white’ lie here or there, etc… (I apologize if I offend anyone’s spouse or family out there).  It seems like our society is ok with not telling the truth.  We bend the truth to meet our needs, we justify why we do certain things. That’s why when we do see an honest person with good character, we gravitate towards them.  There is something about them that we admire and respect.  What is it?  It’s their integrity!

The dictionary defines integrity as: the quality of being honest and fair; without compromise or corruption.  Our integrity defines our character, it affects our relationships and shapes our lives.    The following quote was so powerful to me that I had it posted in the main office at my school:

Watch your thoughts; they become your words.  Watch your words, they become your actions.  Watch your actions; they become your habits.  Watch your habits, they become your character.  Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

God calls us to be men and women of integrity.  The bible is full of verses on the subject – here are a few:

  • ‘The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out’ – Proverbs 10:9 NIV
  • ‘The godly walk with integrity; blessed are the children after them’ – Proverbs 20:7 NLT
  • ‘Good people are guided by their honesty; treacherous people are destroyed by their dishonesty’ – Proverbs 11:3 NLT

Challenge: Examine your thoughts and words this week.  Be honest in everything you say and do.  Mean what you say and say what you mean.  Let your yes be yes and your no be no.

“Dear Lord and heavenly Father, help us to be men and women of integrity.  Help us to live our lives each day in a way that honors you. Help us to always be honest, trustworthy and holy.  Let others see You in us by the way we live our lives. Amen”